Thank you for sharing! It is an apt reminder for me, as I try to prioritize writing while raising my two little boys, currently 4 and 2 and a half. The idea that if I don’t write I’ll resent them, but if I don’t spend time with them I’ll resent my writing hit me hard. Mutually enriching indeed!

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“Mutually enriching”—now that is a vision and a hope. Reading this with an eight-month-old on my chest sooo yeah.

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I can so relate from the other end of the spectrum!!! Sixty years ago I raised three small humans and nearly lost myself. Now I am living with an aging partner who 'needs' me and i struggle to find uninterrupted time for writing my third book and my blog. Really your message is the same, work it in, don't let resentment get in the way, find your times to fulfill your creative dreams. Thank you!

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I love the idea of “buying a vowel” as a metaphor for getting help. (And I’m so enjoying Psalms of Unknowing. I read one each morning to start the day.)

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I could not love this piece more. And somehow you posted it on a day when I particularly needed to hear these reminders. Thank you ❤️

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