Thanks for this particular Slow Take, Heather. This is so helpful and meaningful and needed in this time.

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I first heard of you with you The Sun story…then followed you and Fiona on Star in Her Eye. I was thrilled to find you here and so appreciate your deep look at life and art. This essay comes when I am trying to find the bass notes in my life as well as my writing. Again. Thank you.

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I'm writing an essay like this right now. A screaming incident with a neighbor is forcing me to explore not only my parents and my gender (which I've explored many times before), but now Viking history and maybe other weird avenues. I keep writing braids and leaving them for the next braid in the next rabbit hole. Something's here, I think. Honestly I'm a little afraid of the damned thing--fear of wasting a boatload of time on something that comes to nought. All of which is to say how much I needed your essay right now. Thank you SO much.

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Ooof. Thank you Heather, this was so helpful and truthful. I adored your recent essay and your advice of “don’t settle for your first idea…” might need to go on a T-shirt for me. Thank you for this generous piece!

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This essay made me crave the “bass notes”. My new goal for fall/winter shall be to “cultivate endurance of the dark room”. Thank you so much for the inspiration! 🙏🏻

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This essay is incredibly helpful, Heather! Your description of the time and stillness required to drop below the treble notes of triteness into the profound depths of mystery and nuance normalizes for me what is indeed like walking in the dark! thank you for your words and framework!

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